Das Zimmer bietet Platz für 2 Personen und ist mit einem Boxspringbett ausgestattet.

Aussicht Reichenmattestrasse

Das Zimmer bietet Platz für 2 Personen und ist mit einem Boxspringbett ausgestattet.

Prices & Booking
Here you can find the availability calendar of the apartment. Sometimes it takes a few seconds to load the corresponding field - be patient. Check if the holiday apartment is available during the requested period and contact us afterwards. Further down on this page, you will find a form, which you can use for your booking request. Minimum length of stay: 4 nights.
Prices 2024 (excl. tourist tax and final cleaning)
High season (01.01-24.02, 01.06.-24.08, 20.-28.12) CHF 130.- / night
Low season (24.02-01.06, 24.08-20.12) CHF 110.- / night
Prices 2025 (excl. tourist tax and final cleaning)
High season (01.01-22.02, 31.05-23.08, 20.-31.12)
Low season (22.02.-31.05, 23.08-20.12)
Special prices (10.-12.01.2025) CHF 160.- / night
In addition to the basic price per night, we charge the obligatory tourist tax.
Tourist tax per adult: CHF 4.10 / night
Tourist tax per child (6-16 years): CHF 1.60 / night
Final cleaning fee: CHF 100.-